Friendship and my candle range!
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The story of friendship and why a candle range?
Last month my blog was about taking time for me, something I struggle to do and is a work in progress, my wonderful friend, Mia, is what I call a “crafty person” she loves making beautiful things…quilted blankets, glass work and celebration cards was her starting point, and along the way I have attended a jewellery making workshop many years ago. Recently we had an afternoon together in Arnold, Nottingham and I came across a shop called Skin Solace, and met the owner Natalee, we talked and got on well and had a client type similarity, I love meeting other business owners starting out and creating wonder and joy for their clients, her shop smells wonderful too. As we left Mia spotted a poster in the window for a candle making workshop, we signed up straight away and our next date in the diary to spend time with each other was sorted! Little did I know what it would lead too…
Entering the shop to that wonderful smell again was lovely, but then I realised I was here about to do “a craft session” something that when I signed up for was to spend time with Mia, as you know sitting and focusing on something other than work does not come easy to me… “Stay opened minded I said to myself.” The whole experience was wonderful, Natalee’s smile her welcome, the smell of the shop, the way the workshop was set up, there was one other person there so just the four of us. The workshop began we started to select three oils for blend a little confusing at first and I don’t like strong smells so sniffing oils was not something I thought I would enjoy, but I was here and starting to relax and get into the process. I loved my blend and said I think I have created a candle for my business…Natalee smiled and winked at me, and I was filled with excitement!
Evolutionary is for Body and Mind, the Pilates inspired blend. The essential Oils are Ginger, May Chang, and Cinnamon Leaf. The purpose of this blend is “Time for you, reduce feelings of stress, rejuvenate the spirit, and embrace positivity, helping to renew energy”.
Friendship is for me the 8th Essential Nutrient, Mia and I realised during the workshop we have been friends for exactly 26 years, this was her blend and I loved it was much as mine, this blend is the Nutrition inspired blend. The essential Oils are Benzoin, Ylang-Ylang, and Red Mandarin. The purpose of this blend is to “Focus on the present moment, appreciate what surrounds you whilst enjoying nutritious food and the joy of eating rested”.
Pause is for you to Rest and Replenish, this is the Taking time for you blend. The essential Oils are Pine, Clary and Ylang Ylang. The purpose of this blend is “For your spiritual side, helping to reduce feelings of stress and calm anxiety, allowing you to rest and replenish”.
I am working on the final cost to produce these with the wonderful Natalee, the candles will be made in Nottingham in her shop Skin Solace we are finalising the date for production (image candle label will not look like this next week’s blog will showcase the wax, the wick, the oils and the overall look of the candles… available to purchase via me directly and, and yes in time for Christmas!
Follow us on Instagram @evolution34pilates