Staying Hydrated in a Heat Wave
During June the thought of having a spell of consistent sunshine felt like it was never going to come and then before we know it, we are in the experiencing a heat wave it’s 7.27am and already 21 degrees and set to rise to 32 by 1pm and 35 by 5pm, so how are you going to stay hydrated and why is it important?
Water makes up between 50 to 75% of your body weight and helps everything to work properly. Water does come from our food but nowhere near sufficient. In digestion water helps assisting the efficient metabolism of all nutrients, assisting to carry nutrients in the blood, helping kidneys to function normally and removing waste products.
Water helps with other bodily functions, lubricating joint and organs, helping with building and repairing the body, assisting with the regulation of temperature, providing a suitable environment for the body’s chemical reactions. It’s amazing what we can’t see going on in the inside!
Requirements for a sedentary person (low levels of physical activity) requires 2 litres per day, this is the minimum amount aim for 2.5 litres, yes you will go to the toilet more while your body gets used to having is amount of water, but boy will your body thank you and after 1-2 weeks will get used to it and use it and you will go to the toilet less.
Staying topped up = 1ml of water is required for every kcal you burn off i.e., 200 calories = 200ml water that’s on top of the 2 litres per day
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