My story...
My story of how making small changes leads to massive changes that I could only dream of
My fascination with nutrition comes from being a child suffering with constant stomach pain, being a young adult not functioning as I wanted to at work, having event clients worried about me in meetings, health care professionals did all they could even having a small exploratory operation at the age of 21. My hairdresser recommended that I try a Nutritionist, Andy changed my life when within 2-months of analysing my food diaries, listening to me, and understanding my hectic lifestyle he told me I had a severe wheat allergy. Within a month I felt amazing and no longer required Andy’s services.
It was over to me to learn how to take care of my body, what to eat and what not to, I lost weight because my body was getting used to the drastic changes that I was having to make but I learnt how to make small changes and how to balance my dietary intake I was in control of my body for the first time ever.
I was introduced to Pilates over 19 years ago as an exercise to complement and complete my sports training programme, which it still does today although the exercise focus is now a blend of cardiovascular and weight training and Pilates.
For me, mat Pilates was evolutionary, with practice and development I felt taller and was leaner, and less prone to injuries, that in the past, I’d had my fair share of, often keeping me out of action for 6-13 months. Pilates resulted in me looking and feel amazing, fantastic, and awesome.
I share my passion, so you too can feel the benefits that I do, and all you need to do is look at my client’s testimonials to learn how my passion for nutrition and Pilates is benefiting them.